Live Your Yoga
The whole point of yoga is to help us to live our lives better:
to move more freely
to feel more energy
to have more resilience
to feel more consciously
to love more deeply.
The whole point of yoga is to help us to live our lives better:
to move more freely
to feel more energy
to have more resilience
to feel more consciously
to love more deeply.
Opening the heart – how to nurture and care for yourself and be more open to others.
Embodiment – how to be less in your head and more in your body.
Self-care – how to be more aware of your body’s needs and how to meet them.
Balance – how to feel more centred and grounded in your everyday life.
Resilience – how to find the energy when you are overwhelmed, hurt or exhausted.
what the connection between mind and body and breath can teach us
what yoga strategies we can use to release and shift stuck energy
how to nurture and build our power through movement and energy practices.
I have been practising yoga for 35 years and teaching since 2004. My early training was with the British Wheel of Yoga and Dru Yoga, and later with Erich Schiffmann and Donna Farhi.
My approach to yoga is simple: ‘Listen to your body’, ‘Feel good’ and ‘Have fun’. My classes help guide you, through a process of self-enquiry, towards a compassionate understanding of your own body and heart.
For me, yoga is part of a holistic approach to health and wellbeing, which empowers us to take charge of our own lives, in order to maintain peace, balance and good health. I’ve learned so much through my yoga practice and I hope to be able to assist you in bringing your life experience to the mat, and taking the wisdom you gain on the mat into your life.
These are some of the flavours of the yoga I practise and teach:
awareness of the whole body – muscles, bones, organs, skin, the fluids moving through the body – integrating all these systems towards effortless strength, alignment and comfort
focus on the feelings in body and mind, being in the present, creating a state of inner stillness, balance and peace
release holding, tension, fear, judgement, doing, purposeless activity – and replacing with relaxing, softening, breathing, letting go, undoing, being
fluidity and flow: moving with the breath, flowing sequences
compassion for where we are, understanding and loving the body we have, rather than longing for a more ‘perfect’ one
fun, lightness, playfulness, opening our hearts, being silly, exploring, wondering, rejoicing, loving.
Live Your Yoga
Class Schedule
In the West, we are taught to believe the centre of our being is in our head, in our brains. But, in many other cultures, it is believed to be located in the belly. Whatever size your belly, it is a powerhouse of energy for you to access! This workshop focuses on locating our energetic centre in the belly and using this awareness to create stability and lightness in our movements.
Join me for practices to help develop your grounding, equilibrium and balance, assist in your yoga alignment, create core strength, nourish the organs, improve digestion and help you to feel more emotionally balanced.
If you are a teacher, this workshop will deepen your understanding of the concept of connecting to and moving from the belly, help you embody this integrated way of moving for your students, and suggest possible teaching strategies you can use.
This is a pre-recorded workshop, first recorded in June 2021.
Pay-what-you-can scale available.
Click on the PURCHASE button for more information.
Release date to be confirmed
I had zero energy, I could barely drag myself from the bed to the couch.
I was achy, exhausted, nauseous, weak.
I felt like a big, black cloud had engulfed me, sucking away all my energy.
It felt as if every system in my body was slowly shutting down.
Gentle but profound yoga, energy balancing and mindfulness practices to restore energy during and after Covid-19.
I contracted Covid in April 2021 and intuitively turned to my years of yoga practice to help myself through the period of illness and recovery.
This course explores what happens to the body and mind during Covid and how yoga therapy can help to restore energy and assist healing.
The gentle, graded program can be used during Covid infection, and to help manage the fatigue sometimes associated with the post-Covid recovery period.
This course will also assist teachers looking for guidance on how to meet the needs of students with Covid, Long Covid, chronic fatigue or other post-viral fatigue.
I want to make these workshops accessible to everyone, so offering a ‘Pay What You Can’ scale.
Click on the REGISTER HERE button for more information.
If you are experiencing hardship and the lowest rate is beyond your means, please click here to get in touch.