The Change

A unique course for women transitioning towards, through and beyond the menopause…

Menopause… What is going on with me?

Menopause is usually portrayed as a medical event – the end of your periods – and associated with myriad unpleasant symptoms, such as:

The Change is what they used to call the menopause when I was a child. 

I’ve reclaimed this term because I feel like it’s a more accurate reflection of this period of women’s lives. Menopause isn’t a medical condition, it’s not an illness, it’s not an end of anything…

Let me help you reframe your experience of this time in your life from a medicalised condition into a wonderful opportunity for growth and expansion.  

You will begin to sense that, rather than an ending, this ‘change of life’ is a…

Lisa Fabry The Change

Why Change?

Times of change can be challenging, AND they often offer us the most opportunity for personal transformation and growth. 

Many women in their 40s and 50s find that they start to reconsider the choices and lifestyle they have been following so far. They start to question whether or not this is actually working, if this makes them feel good and what they can do to improve the quality of their life in every area. Menopause is an ideal time to take advantage of this natural process of change.

In The Change 12-week program, you will start to respond to this impulse for change, giving yourself an opportunity to stop, take stock, really value yourself enough to listen to what your body and heart need, and do your absolute best to provide it. Like you would for your child or your best friend.

You will learn how to:

Lisa Fabry Joan
Lisa Fabry Profile

"I felt Lisa really listened to me and tailored her advice to address the symptoms I was experiencing and provided great support with email, charts and plans"

I really appreciate Lisa’s style, she is realistic and practical, tailoring the plan to what is achievable for me in small steps rather than overwhelming me with a huge amount of radical change (which I may need, but the small steps are awesome). I felt Lisa really listened to me and tailored her advice to address the symptoms I was experiencing and provided great support with email, charts and plans. I feel a deep knowing that this is the right way for me to eat and I feel deep gratitude to Lisa for her contribution to my healing journey.

Rachel Grant

Business Manager, Yoga, Meditation and Art Facilitator

Lisa Fabry Profile

"She knows so much but also really listened to my pain points, then worked with me to create a plan that addressed these as a door opener to greater health and wellbeing."

Lisa was a consummate professional, very knowledgeable yet warm, with a beautiful calm demeanour. She knows so much but also really listened to my pain points, then worked with me to create a plan that addressed these as a door opener to greater health and wellbeing. Lisa also encouraged me to respect my own intuition and wisdom, so in this way made me feel both supported and reminded me of my own supportive mechanisms and capabilities. Altogether an empowering experience.

Tiffany Schultz

Creative Director, Conscious Lifestyles

What does The Change program include?

In this 12-week program, we will look at some of the key issues facing women during this phase of our lives, and investigate some of the holistic strategies we can use to support us, including:

There are 6 modules. Each module lasts 2 weeks and includes:

Lisa Fabry

The Change 12-week program 

Lisa Fabry Profile

"She knows so much but also really listened to my pain points, then worked with me to create a plan that addressed these as a door opener to greater health and wellbeing."

Lisa was a consummate professional, very knowledgeable yet warm, with a beautiful calm demeanour. She knows so much but also really listened to my pain points, then worked with me to create a plan that addressed these as a door opener to greater health and wellbeing. Lisa also encouraged me to respect my own intuition and wisdom, so in this way made me feel both supported and reminded me of my own supportive mechanisms and capabilities. Altogether an empowering experience.

Tiffany Schultz

Creative Director, Conscious Lifestyles

Course structure

The 6 modules in The Change program are: 

Lisa Fabry

Let’s Start with Self-love 

Where am I, who am I, and what is this thing called menopause? How have others defined this period in a woman’s life, and what does it mean for us? 

Who are we, now our role in life is dramatically changing? Who do we want to be, and how can we support ourselves, and each other? 

How can we learn to lovingly listen to what our body and heart are telling us, and respond to their needs? 

Lisa Fabry

Living in Balance: Weaving a Web of Happy Hormones

We experience the world through our body and the majority of experiences during menopause involve physical sensations, yet these vary widely between women and cultures.  

Menopause is often depicted as a rocky road of unbalanced sex hormones, but it is so much more than this. How can we befriend our body and learn to accept and love what it is showing us during our metamorphosis? 

How can we support our hormonal system to ease and soothe any bumps along this journey?  

Lisa Fabry

Brittle and Fragile or Juicy and Resilient?: A New, Holistic Approach to Healthy Bones

Bone is at its strongest around age 30, and then begins to decline. When women reach menopause, bone mass declines extremely rapidly for the first 5 years, then gradually slows down. 

66% Australians over 50 have osteoporosis or osteopenia. It’s one of my personal missions to create more awareness around this absolutely vital health issue that is so poorly acknowledged in our society. I help women to look after their bone health earlier, so that they have the freedom to do what they want for as long as they possibly can. 

Having healthy bones is about more than just going to the gym. Let me help you understand this new, holistic approach to bone health that gets you feeling juicy and resilient through your 50s, 60s and beyond. 

Lisa Fabry Athena
Lisa Fabry

‘Learning to Live as Love’: Sexuality in the Time of Change

For some, sexuality really begins to flower in this phase of life, with freedom from monthly menstruation and the possibility of pregnancy, less self-consciousness and a greater awareness of one’s body and desires. 

Others begin to fear that this part of their life is over, with annoying physical symptoms and unsatisfying romantic lives. How does love change for us in this period of our lives? How can we nourish our bodies and minds to feel more love and pleasure? 

Lisa Fabry

Widows, Orphans and Grandmothers: Experiencing Death and Re/birth

In nature, the cycle of death and rebirth is continuous and inevitable. As we live longer, death begins to appear in our lives now with more frequency. How do we manage loss and grief? 

During this phase of our life, we are born again ourselves, in many ways. Often, we become grandmothers or surrogate grandmothers. How does this experience change us, and how do we become the grandmothers we wish to be?

Lisa Fabry

Plant-based Eating: Your Key to Health and Longevity?

What we eat, how we eat and how we feel about eating are all important factors in our overall health. 

A balanced, mostly plant-based diet (which doesn’t mean you have to be completely vegetarian or vegan), could be your key to a healthier, longer life. 

Let me help you increase your awareness around food, eating and digestion, and get clear on the right type of diet for you , for maximum focus, clarity, energy and vitality. 

The Change 12-week program

What will I get out of The Change?

This program offers:

As we gently move into areas that are not spoken of often enough, you are offered the opportunity to express your authentic thoughts and feelings so that they can fulfill the purpose for which they were created, which is to show you something about yourself, or your life. 

As the obstacles start to fall away, the priceless value of who you really are becomes evident. Your true self, your divine true nature, begins to emerge, like the beautiful butterfly unfolding its wings. It may feel a little vulnerable. But, in this intimate group, you have the support of other women to help you through this process. 

That’s also something that I’ve realized later in life; you don’t have to do it all by yourself, there are always people who can support you. There is real value to creating a community for yourself of your own choosing, and the wisdom that you glean from other women in this environment is absolutely priceless. 

Numbers are limited to a small group of women, so that we can create a deep sense of community, connection and trust within the group, as that is where the real magic takes place.  

I guarantee you’ll walk away with …[promise/ the transformation]


In other words, if you don’t feel like those program has… [ promise] …all you need to do is to tell me and I will happily refund 100% of your funds. PLUS you get to keep your bonuses – [bonuses names].


As a bonus, you’ll receive the [bonus name] and [bonus name].

[What are the benefits of receiving the bonuses. A short paragraph]


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

About Lisa

My main motivation has always been learning, transforming, growing and changing to get more out of life: more fun, more wisdom, deeper experiences, more satisfying relationships. In the past I used to work very hard at self-improvement, believing that the harder I pushed the more successful I would be, and the better person I would become. But I couldn’t have been more wrong. By pushing harder I only succeeded in increasing tension in my body and mind, which had precisely the opposite effect to what I desired. I became tight, anxious, impatient, and very, very tired… 

It was through yoga, dance, and other mind and movement practices that I learned a different approach to transformation. Gradually, I learned that change doesn’t have to be hard work – it can be gentle, sweet and easy! I’ve become fascinated by nutrition, movement and mind training. (If you would like to read the longer story of this, click here.)

I am constantly amazed by how our bodies respond to the fuel we put in them, the way we move and the power of our thoughts. You really can change your life on every single level through simple practices of nourishing yourself with food, movement, mindfulness and self-care practices. I like to think of this as the feminine way, which is deep and nourishing and involves changing, softly, from the inside out. 

