
If you want to take back the reins of your health using healthy, natural methods of healing, and you are looking for someone to advise you and motivate you –  you are in the right place!


I aim to help you take control of your own physical, mental and spiritual health through nourishing daily rituals and wholesome, healthy food.


I am trained in Western Nutritional Medicine, Yoga Therapy, Ayurveda and Daoist Medical Qigong. I also have somatics, dance and counselling qualifications as well as extensive life experience. 


Some of the key areas that I can help you with are:

For more information about current classes and courses click here.


If you would like some 1-1 support, click here to book a free chat to find out if we are a good match to work together.

Let's Chat

Book a free 15-minute video call with me to find out what natural medicine could do for you.

Common health issues

Approaching or going through menopause?

Struggling with low energy, mood swings, hot flashes, weight gain, brain fog, or losing your libido? Want to find ways not just to survive menopause, but to flourish and make the most of this new stage in your life? 

Read Managing Menopause Naturally, and book a free call with me to find out how the natural healing methods of mindfulness, gentle movement and healthy eating could help you.

Concerned about your bone health?

Maybe you’ve received a diagnosis of osteopenia or osteoporosis and you are in shock: afraid about what this means and confused about what to do to support your body? Do you want to maintain a strong, healthy body and carry on with all the activities you love, the natural way? 


Check out my course Yoga for Healthy Bones. This 6-module self-paced course includes Yoga, Qigong, Breathwork, Meditation, Nutrition and Mindset to maximise bone strength, improve mobility and balance, and feel better about your body. 


Read Why every woman should care about her bone health and book a free call with me to find out how the natural healing methods of mindfulness, gentle movement and healthy eating could help you.

Long Covid or other chronic fatigue condition?

Your energy levels are not what they used to be and you are struggling to maintain your normal activities. Your mind seems foggier than it used to be, your memory isn’t as good and you just don’t feel the same zest for life.

Are you looking for natural and effective ways to regain your energy and motivation?


Download my free Clearing the Covid Cloud ebook and book a free call with me to find out how the natural healing methods of mindfulness, gentle movement and healthy eating could help you.

Major life change and it is affecting your health?

Whether it’s menopause, divorce, children leaving home, a move, a new job, becoming a grandparent, experiencing a major injury or disability, or simply growing older, change can be hard! 


Any kind of change can throw you off balance and affect your physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual health. 

Yoga and Qigong offer tools to help you maintain calm, confidence and balance in your everyday life.


For more ideas on how to bring more peace and relaxation into your life read No Time to Relax and book a free call with me to find out how the natural healing methods of mindfulness, gentle movement and healthy eating could help you.

Living with Chronic Pain?

Do you have pain that has lasted longer than expected after injury, surgery or trauma? Maybe you have pain and tension that has no clear reason at all? 

Chronic pain can be very difficult to live with, and it can affect your mental health, relationships and ability to work and enjoy life. 


Would you like to find natural ways to heal your pain and enjoy comfort in your body and freedom of movement? Modern neuroscience is now proving that many of the ancient techniques of yoga and qigong have real and powerful effects on the way we experience pain. Mindfulness, visualisation, meditation and energy-balancing practices can make a real difference. 


Read Meditation for Pain Relief and book a free call with me to find out how the natural healing methods of mindfulness, gentle movement and healthy eating could help you.



Louise Yates

I have started to really get to know my own body, waking it up and understanding what it needs.

I was drawn to working with you because of your long and in-depth experience as a yoga practitioner, coupled with a holistic approach to this work. You were able to provide me with a tailored programme that met my needs exactly and which draws on the underlying philosophy of yoga which is important to me in developing my own yoga practice.

 I have really appreciated the supportive way in which you have guided me through my own tailored programme in which I have started to really get to know my own body, waking it up and understanding what it needs. I love how intuitive you are and so have offered just the right intervention at the right time.


Professional Coach 

Allison Thomas

My friends have noticed the improvements in
my health.

In 2019 my GP diagnosed NAFLD (fatty liver). I asked Lisa for coaching to assist with my healing. As a result of her nutrition and lifestyle programme I have lost weight and feel better. My doctor agreed with Lisa’s diet and exercise program, and has advised me that my fatty liver is not a problem any more. My friends have noticed the improvements in my health, and I have recommended that when they need a healthy, personally designed nutrition, exercise and well-being plan, that they get in touch with Lisa. 


Author, Transformational Relationship Coach and Tantra Trainer

Nutritious eating has never been easier.

I contacted Lisa as I needed support healing my overactive thyroid and general health. My knowledge about healthy food is pretty good, but I needed customised support to heal myself.

I can contact her if I have a question, and our monthly live calls keep me on track.

Nutritious eating has never been easier.

I feel very safe with her support as she has got tons of valuable knowledge about nutrition, self-care and compassion.


Gigi Gem – Web Design Studio For Female Entrepreneurs

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…full of delicious and healthy plant-based

ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.