Almond and Sesame Milk

This is one of my favourite homemade plant milks. While the basic Almond Milk recipe already has many health benefits, adding sesame to the mix brings a whole lot more. Sesame seeds are very high in calcium, magnesium, zinc and selenium, making this recipe very good for your bones and for your immune system Like […]
Almond Milk

Almond milk has become popular, and the supermarket shelves are packed with different types. Do read the labels, as some have additives you might wish to avoid, such as sugar, sunflower oil and flavourings. My absolute favourite is home-made almond milk, and it’s so easy to make. If you want a beautiful, creamy, smooth milk, […]
Feeling Juicy

I feel as if my cells are singing. Everything becomes clear and bright and alive. It’s an immediate, refreshing hit of alertness and vibrancy. What is this wonder drug? Juice. These are some of the effects I experience, within a few seconds of gulping down a big mouthful of freshly made vegetable and fruit juice. […]
Spaghetti Bolognese

Who doesn’t know how to make a vegan spag bol? Well, quite a lot of people it seems, if the frequency with which I’ve had to give out this recipe over the years is anything to go by. So I’ve decided to make it truly public for once and all. Of course, like any good […]
Vegan Burger

‘Can you recommend a good vegan burger recipe?’ I’ve had this question so many times, it seemed time to put one up on the blog. This is a yummy, infinitely variable recipe that changes every time I make it, so feel free to experiment. The basic burger ingredients: protein (nuts and/or beans and/or tofu…) starch […]
Blueberry Chia Smoothie

I know that blueberries are absolutely amazing (masses of antioxidants, help reduce blood glucose levels and may even help to ward off Alzheimers and dementia). So I thought if I teamed them with my other favourite superfood, chia seeds (bucketloads of Omega 3 fatty acids, protein and iron), I would be on to a nutrition-packed winner. makes […]
Wild Greens Smoothie

Wild Greens You probably know that leafy green vegetables are really, really good for you, but did you know that the same goes for many wild greens, otherwise known as weeds? Grass, dandelion, nettles, soursops and clover – as well as many other wild plants – are full of protein, vitamins and minerals, and can […]
Seed Sprinkles

How do vegans get enough protein? Many plant foods are rich in protein such as nuts, seeds, beans, sprouts, quinoa and soy products, and other foods like whole wheat, peas and green leafy vegetables all contribute significant amounts of protein to the diet. It is always worth checking how much protein you need and tallying […]
Raw, Vegan, Sugar-Free Chocolate Cream Pie

This dessert is raw, vegan, sugar-free, carb-free, gluten-free – and yet….COMPLETELY, UTTERLY, DECADENTLY, DIVINELY DELICIOUS! I guarantee you will not feel even a little bit hard done by on your gluten, dairy or sugar-free diet once you have a mouthful of this pie. For more sugar-free tips, have a look at our Sugar-free section. Ingredients […]
Still sweet and sugar-free?

Despite my passion for desserts, every so often I like to give my body a break from sugars. And because I don’t like to do things by halves, that means all sugars: refined sugars of course; natural sugars like maple syrup, rice syrup, agave nectar, concentrated fruit juice; all dried and fresh fruit; stuff that […]