How do vegans get enough protein? Many plant foods are rich in protein such as nuts, seeds, beans, sprouts, quinoa and soy products, and other foods like whole wheat, peas and green leafy vegetables all contribute significant amounts of protein to the diet.
It is always worth checking how much protein you need and tallying up your food intake to check you are meeting your requirements. If you are worried about getting enough protein, try this very simple recipe, which adds protein, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids to the diet with very little effort.
4-5 different types of seeds eg
- chia
- flaxseed
- sesame seeds
- pumpkin seeds (pepitas)
- sunflower seeds
- Grind seeds a few at a time in a small grinder. I have a cheap coffee grinder that I keep just for grinding seeds and spices.
- Mix all together and store in a glass container in the fridge or freezer.
- Sprinkle liberally on soups, stews, muesli, etc.